
Consult with Bagi Heart Centre and experience a seamless clinical procedure.

Angioplasty in Bangalore

Angioplasty in bangalore

Time is Muscle” A revolutionary concept by Dr Eugene Braunwald, it  was demonstrated that the severity and extent of Heart muscle damage resulting from blockage of the heart blood vessels could be radically changed by an angioplasty procedure as early as possible.

Dr Vithal D Bagi works on the same principle for every heart attack patient. He quickly responds and emergently intervenes the block in the heart attack patient without surgery leading to life saving outcomes. Angioplasty and stenting is a well established scientifically proven method to treat the blockages.He does all cardiac interventions from primary to complex angioplasties in a timely manner.

What is Angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a medical procedure also referred to in the names of coronary angioplasty and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). This is a minimally invasive surgery, done to open the blockages in theblood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Angioplasty in Bangalore would be the primary recommended treatment for a heart attack. This is also the best cure for a blocked artery. The angioplasty cost in Bangalore varies depending on the hospital and cardiologist.

The Indications for Angioplasty

Angioplasty in actual meaning it is a percutaneous procedure to dilate the narrowed arteries using catheter, wire and balloon. This procedure can be used to dilated the arteries of heart ,brain, kidney, upper limbs and lower limbs. When we use the term angioplasty it is coronary ( heart arteries)angioplasty, since it is most commonly done for the arteries of the heart.

 First successful angioplasty in human beings was done in 1976. Initially they did only balloon dilatation of the block. It was the best alternative to bypass surgery for one vessel or two vessel some times three vessel diseases. This procedure was having very less complications, but it was associated with 50% risk of restenosis or re-blockage. To overcome this limitation, stent ( a metal scaffold or device) to maintain the long term patency of the vessel was invented. Now almost all the angioplasty procedures include insertion of stent after balloon dilatation. With the current generation of drug coated stents the chance of restenosis is less than 5%.

Thus angioplasty with  insertion of stents is the standard of care for the treatment of blocks which are more than 70% involving one vessel ,two vessel or three vessel diseases. If angioplasty is not suitable then bypass can be considered.

The following medical conditions that indicate an angioplasty and they are:

  1. Heart attack,ischemia ,
  2. Unstable angina
  3. NSTEMI,
  4. STEMI
  5. Effort angina
  6. Coronary heart disease or
  7. Ischemic cardiomyopathy or ischemic heart failure
  8. Carotid angioplasty- Brain arteries
  9. Renal angioplasty- kidney arteries
  10. Peripheral angioplasty – lower limb arteries

Getting Prepared for the Angioplasty Surgery

Some of the best heart doctors in Bangalore would primarily take a detailed medical history, assess the symptoms, examine for physical signs. They Investigate with non-invasive test like ECG, Blood test, Echocardiogram, treadmill test or CT coronary angiogram. If there are symptoms or signs suggestive of blockages or if non-invasive test showing indirect evidence of blockages then cardiologist will recommend invasive angiogram. Angiogram is a diagnostic test to find out or confirm blockages.  Once Angiogram is done then the cardiologist will explain the findings, about the number of blocks and their severity, about the treatment strategies.

If the blocks are less than 70% ( less than 50% in LMCA), then only medicines are required ( no stents or no bypass). If the blocks are more than 70% in one vessel or two vessels then angioplasty with stenting is the recommended treatment.

If three or more blocks present then the advantages and limitations of angioplasty versus Bypass will be discussed with the patient and relatives. Treatment can be individualized.

In heart attack situation, the angioplasty is the best life saving treatment, should not be delayed. Based on symptoms,signs, ECG blood tests Cardiologist will diagnose, assess the risk and do emergency angioplasty. Unnecessary delay can risk patient’s life. Trust your cardiologist and go ahead for the procedure.

Points on the Actual Procedure of Angioplasty

In non emergency situation, angiogram can be done as simple in 15 minutes. It is done under local anaesthesia in the hand. On the day of scheduled date, patient can have breakfast and not eat for next two hrs. He or she can drink water if needed. After initial some blood tests and part preparation, patient will lay down on the catheterization table. Patient can actually see the procedure and speak to the cardiologist during the procedure. After local anaesthesia, a small tube( sheath) similar to iv cannula is inserted through the hand artey( most of the times ),some time in the groin.Through the sheath a catheter ( small well designed tube) inserted through the sheath over the wire support under X ray guidance. With the catheter , contrast dye ( iodine solution) is injected then the arteries are visualised and recorded in the videos. The recorded videos will be shown to the relatives and the presence or absence of the blockages, their severity and management will be discussed. If blockages are less than 70% then patient will be discharged after two hours with advise on medicines and life style changes. If the blockages are more than 70% then after discussion with the patient and family , angioplasty can be done in the same sitting. After angioplasty patient will stay one day in ICU for observation and one day in ward then discharged.

During emergency angioplasty like in heart attack situation the patient condition will be fluctuating due to the damage to the muscle hence recovery varies from patient to patient. Remember blockages ( critical blocks) can damage the heart muscle and can take life. Wheare as angioplasty is the scientific established proven treatment to cure or remove the blocks. It is life saving treatment option. Angioplasty carries minor risks wheare as heart attack if untreated causes death in many cases. So get the timely benefit of treatment.

The Recovery Care from Angioplasty Surgery

Diagnostic angiogram is a simple procedure for ten to fifteen minutes done under local anaesthesia without sedation. After two hrs of the angiogram patient can be discharged and sent home with treatment summary. A small bandage is applied on the site of injection it can be removed on the next day and patient can resume his work on the next day.

If Elective angioplasty ( non emergency condition) is done then patient will stay one day in ICU and one day in ward then can be discharged. Patient can take two weeks rest from work he can do routine activities not to do too much aggressive work. After two weeks he can resume back to work.

If angioplasty is done during heart attack then after discharge patient can take four to six weeks of rest, he can do routine activities but not to do any aggressive work. This rest is required for the injured heart muscle to recover. Angioplasty will open the artery and restore the blood supply but the injured hear muscle ( injured between onset of block and before restoring the blood supply)( it is not injured because of the angioplasty) will take time to recover. Hence four weeks of rest needed.

Some Advantages of Angioplasty

It is the only scientifically proven, approved, recommended procedure for heart attack. It should be done within two hours( can be done upto 24 hrs) after the attack or as early as possible, wherever cathlab fascility present.  In the absence of such fascility, clot lysing ( breaking) drug need to be administered and then patient can be referred to centre having fascility for angiogram and or angioplasty.

Why Choose Dr. Vithal. D. Bagi

With good knowledge, precise judgement, advanced technologyand with almost care Dr. Vithal. D. Bagi is one of the dependable interventional cardiologists in the Karnataka state. He has specialized in performing both radial and femoral routes, as well as primary and complex angioplasty. Owing to the utilization of the latest tools and technologies, added with the safest preventive cardiac care, the angioplasty cost in Bangalore from Dr. Vithal. D. Bagi will give you the best value for your investment.


Whether angioplasty is a major or minor surgery is totally dependent on the area to be operated on and also based on the level of blockage in the patient’s heart. Importantly whether it was done during emergency or non emergency situation. Emergency or heart attack severity determines the out come than the risk of angioplasty.

When patient presented with heart attack and undergoes emergency angioplasty he need to take rest for four weeks ( to give rest to the injured heart muscle). Angioplasty per se carries no sedation or no general anesthesia or no sutures or no wound healing ( except for punctire site care). In non emergency angioplasty patient can walk from the next day and can go to work after two weeks.

The diagnostic angiogram will cost varies from 21000 to 25000.

The angioplasty cost in Bangalore city varies across centers but on an approximate scale, the minimum charge would be INR 180000 and a maximum of INR 5,00,000. Yet, the charges depend on the admission fee, type of hospital, the admission room opted, doctor fee, the age of the patient, number of stents, additional techniques like imaging , rotaablation etc, and more.

Standardly, the procedural time from the angioplasty surgery would be around 1 hour. ( Varies from 30 min to 4 hrs)

No, the angioplasty procedure is done with local anaesthesia the pain is equivalent to taking one injection. Mild pain may recur ( for few hrs ) after the anesthesia effect goes, then mild pain killer will relieve the pain. No long term pain or scar or side effects.

Yes, once the angioplasty is done,the catheter tube , wire, balloon everything is removed from the body but the stent will remain permanently. Some dissolvable stents are there, bit they are under the trial.

Stents can have clot formation inside their lumen, hence patient should not stop blood thinners for atleast one year. Stents can re-blockage which is about less than 2% , means stent remain and function permanently in 98% of the patients.


Who can consult BHC

Heart Attack

Prevention - to protect before the attack

Failure Clinic

To diagnose, to treat and to reverse heart failure

Valve Clinic

To diagnose the cause, to accurately quantify

Rhythm Clinic

Evaluate the causes of palpitations

Birth Defects in the Heart

Device closure for holes in the heart

Risk Factors

Hypertension clinic, Cholesterol clinic

Cardiac Evaluation

ECG Echocardiography


Angioplasty-stenting, simple and complex

Bypass Surgery/
Open Heart Surgery

Discussion regarding the need, operation suitability


Second opinion in non emergency

Simply call us at +9611592145 during our working hours or you can request an appointment

Physician Spotlight


  • Consultant cardiologist in Apollo hospitals Banerghatta road and Apollo hospitals Jaynagar from 2013 to present.
  • Publications in Indian heart journal and British Medical journals.
  • He was a faculty and speaker in CMEs at various national and international forums.


Member of Cardiological society of India

Patient Testimonials

Sir is very good. He interact like a family member or brother. Thanks for all your help and guidance. A very good human being and very fast in diagnosis. Effective treatment is for sure.

Raveendra Karjagi

We have been visiting Dr. Bagi from last 6 weeks for my husband's heart problem. Firstly, he is very approachable, reachable and a highly professional doctor. Very calm person and clarifies /answers to patient questions , in detail and provides all required information. I would recommend/rate this doctor 10/10.

Vimala Satish

Dr Vithal Bagi was very patient and very professional. He is treating me for last 4 years and every time we found him to very friendly and his patience with elderly people is very much appreciated. I would rate him as one of the top cardiologist currently in Bangalore.

Shamala S

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