For a Consultation Call
+91 6361068489
Heart attack is an emergency, when you need an emergency cardiac care call anytime 24*7 to 9611592145. All other nonemergency consultations for heart related ailments, consult Dr Vithal D Bagi in OPDs through the website or places listed in the locate Us during the consultation hours. For online consultation log on to the website from, 1 to 2 pm on all working days.
+91 6361068489 / +91 9611592145
@ drvithaldbagicardio2015@gmail.com
#02, 32 nd cross, 4 th block Jayanagar, Bangalore-560011.
Note: All the Invasive Interventional procedures done by Dr Vithal Bagi in Apollo hospitals, Jayanagar and Apollo hospitals, Bannerghatta road
For Noninteventional procedures, ECG, Echocardiogram,TMT, Blood tests and cardiac consultation Visit "Dr bagiheartcentre"
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